The Next FOSMS Committee Meeting Takes Place on Tuesday 4th June 2024 at 7pm.

Support Us

Every donation we receive makes a real difference to our children.

Thank you for considering supporting FOSMS. Every donation we receive makes a difference to our school. Here's why donations matter.


We’re committed to supporting our wonderful school leadership team in providing pupils with an exceptional educational experience.

How Does Your Support Help?

Imagine a world where every child has access to the resources, opportunities and experiences they need to thrive. That’s the world we’re striving to create, but we can’t do it alone.

Your support can make all the difference and here’s how:

Your donation directly enriches the lives of our pupils and wider school family. It allows us to fund special projects, provide classroom materials and offer extracurricular activities that expand their horizons and deepen their learning.
While our school budget covers most of the essentials, there are gaps and we see these as opportunities for growth, exploration and discovery that require additional funding. Your contribution helps to bridge these gaps.

Quality education relies on dedicated teachers and staff who are equipped to inspire and guide our pupils. Your support helps us provide them with the tools and resources they need to excel.

We believe in creating memorable experiences that our children will carry with them throughout their lives. Your donation helps us organise events, outings and programs that bring joy and foster a sense of belonging and community.
support us

Donate to FOSMS

Join us in making a difference and together,
we can create a brighter future for our pupils.

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Donation Total: £25.00

support us

Every Donation Makes a Difference

Each donation, no matter how big or small, makes a genuine difference. Whether it’s a one-time gift or a regular contribution, you have the power to enrich the school lives of our children.

No Pressure, Just Heart

We understand the financial pressures families face today. Please be assured that there is absolutely no pressure to donate if you can’t afford it. Your presence and involvement means the world to us and we’re grateful for it and often that is worth more than any monetary support.

Large or Small, It Makes a Difference

Donating any amount, whether it’s a substantial contribution or a modest one, truly matters. Your generosity helps our school and leaves a lasting impact on pupils, teachers and their families.

Get Involved

Join The

Are you ready to make a difference and become a part of the FOSMS family?

Joining FOSMS is easy! Simply get in touch or attend one of our meetings and let us know how you can help – we’d be delighted to welcome you on board.

Your involvement matters and by working together, we can create a positive and enriching experience for our children.